Eric Junkins, a junior at Orono High School, completed a 14' hand made cedar strip canoe in a technology systems class. The indepen dent study project was done in the Orono High School Tech Lab. In August of 1992, Eric selected boards at a cedar mill. He then stripped them out, attached the strips to a form, sanded it to shape, fiber glassed it, and applied eight coats of epoxy inside and out and sanded between each coat. Approximately 400 hours were put into the boat. Eric Junkins is the son of Ronald Junkins, Hudson, Maine and grandson of Chet and Priscilla Junkins of Hampden, Maine.
Eric (12), Ronald Carelton (11), Chester Goding (10), Aubrey W. (9), George Washington (8), Issac Lord (7), Issac (6), James (5), James (4), Joseph (3), Alexander (2), Robert Junkins (1).